Montag, 18. Mai 2015

Salafisten, 12 Stämme, Nazis - Herr, schicke bitte einen gnädigen Asteroiden

Bildung, heißt es, sei der Schlüssel zum Anti-Extremistendasein, und auch ich hing dieser These durchaus lange nach, jedoch dünkt mir immer mehr, dass so mancher blöd geboren ist, und daran auch das beste Schulsystem nichts ändern kann, verhungert ja so manches Hirn vor der Schüssel, selbst wenn diese noch so gut gefüllt ist.

Gucken wir uns zum Beispiel den Vogeljünger Saif Uddin an, dessen Verstand irgendwo zwischen Dunkel und Ichsehmichnicht angesiedelt zu sein scheint, so schreibt er zwar auf seiner FB-Seite gern in Englisch, kann dieses aber weder richtig lesen, noch ebensolches richtig schreiben, weswegen er simple Sätze anscheinend auch nicht cerebral erfassen kann:

"There was islam haters but we all muslim was the coolest" ist ein Satz, der wahrscheinlich sogar den Lothar Matthäus in Depressionen samt angehängter Ostblock-Brautschau treiben würde, vor allem, weil da auch gar nichts vom mittlerweile inflationär an jede Laterne geschwatzten Islamhass zu lesen ist, mag man ja nur keine Salafi-Faschisten, was bei der deutschen Geschichte auch durchaus nachvollziehbar ist, weiß man ja - falls man die Schule nicht nur zum Nasenbohren besucht hat - wohin einen selbsternannte Herrenmenschen so führen können.

Wie? Sie meinen, er könnte, will es aber nicht richtig sehen? Ich denke nicht, treibe ich mich ja schon lange genug auf den hiesigen Nagie-Speichellecker-Seiten herum, und ich bin mir mittlerweile ziemlich sicher, dass das Gefäß, dass da zwischen den Schultern sein unnötiges Dasein fristet, schon nach einer Gummibärchen-Werbung vollkommen angefüllt ist, und würde man dem auch nur ein Pfefferminzblättchen hinzufügen, dann platzt es auf wie eine überreife Banane, weswegen ich Salafis auch nicht als islamische Strömung, sondern einzig als eine weitere Interessenvertretung der hiesigen IQ-Bodengrundler ansehe.

Alleine ist man damit nicht, gibts ja hierzulande viele Deppen, und so mancher erzählte uns von Reichsflugscheiben und funkendem Frauenhaar, was mittlerweile allerdings die gnädige Natur verstummen ließ, jedoch nimmt der Ansturm der Geistlosen kein Ende - siehe zum Beispiel die 12 Stämme, die sich gerade im bayrischen Freistaat fürs Schlagen von Kindern einsetzen:

Ja, mittlerweile zweifle auch ich ein wenig an der Evolutionstheorie, entwickelt sich der Mensch ja nicht vorwärts, sondern verkommt immer mehr zum blödgrinsenden Schleichmurmler, der hirnverbrannte Youtubevideos vertont, und so bete nun auch ich: Bitte, Herr (oder Frau, ja, von mir aus auch Loretta), schicke einen Asteroiden, auf dass die Welt von den Idioten erlöst werde. Und wenn das nicht Dein Wille ist, dann schenke mir zumindest eine einsame Insel, wo ich all den Schrott nicht mehr hören muss. Was sagst Du? Im Paradies wird alles besser? Kaum, hirschen dort ja wieder die selben Vollhonks durch die Gegend, deswegen schick mir nach meinem Dahinscheiden nur ewige Stille. Und ein paar Würmer, weckt mich sonst ja vielleicht noch jemand auf. Danke! Und Amen. Oder so.

Guten Tag

PS.: Ich teste die einsame Insel nächste Woche schonmal zur Probe, weswegen diese Woche der Stress mein stetiger Begleiter ist, und so gibt es die nächsten Tage jeweils nur einen Beitrag.

22 Kommentare:

  1. Macht trotzdem ausnahmsweise mal gute Laune- weil die Demonstranten
    1. Einsatz zeigen
    2. den Unterschied zwischen Salafismus/Wahhabismus und Islam kennen und verdeutlichen

    1. Ja.
      Wo war die Demo? Wer hat sie veranstaltet?

    2. Ist das vielleicht die Mahnwache gegen Salafisten in Frankfurt? Die findet jeden Samstag unter Polizeischutz auf der Zeil statt.

  2. Well George - you are wrong.
    Education - and with that I mean liberal education - is the key. However, as long as your country proposes Quranic madrassah or faith based schools incl. teaching children Intelligent Design as a proven scientific

    theory - as it is done at Graues Kloster Berlin (a high school under the guidance of EKD) I would tend to agree with you that human man kind is developing backwards.
    Besides the stupidity of fundamentalist Islam the stupidity and falsification
    of history by your own EKD and its fundamentalist allies is mind-blowing.
    In addition, your country behaves like an Islamist State where one parent in collaboration with fundamentalist religion is allowed to brainwash the youngest while the rights of the child and the second parent have to stand back. Well done boys and girls. The only problem is that your Christian religion is a shitty as Islam once you listen to the extremists.
    Wrong? One example: fundamentalist Christians normally reject the Old Testament since we have the peace loving New Testament with the baby
    Jesus hippie. However, when it comes to beating up your child, opposing mixed religious marriages, declaring a non Christian parent an enemy or spreading hatred against homosexuals suddenly the Old Testament is
    again on vogue. Or as a matter of fact, a father asking questions to a faith based school and an evangelical shithole is sanctioned - not for the content of his questions but for asking simple question. The same principle applies to shithole Saudi Arabia.
    Well mate - you go to an island. I have my boat - where I am captain - no religious thugs allowed on my boat. I will not throw them overboard. Just the good old pirate tradition. Lifeboat, food and water - than find your own way.
    And before I forgot - since my son has to face disadvantages in his faith
    based school in Berlin due to the fact that his father has the bad attitude of asking questions - btw confirmed by Jugendamt, Graues Kloster Berlin, EKD, German Courts (I could even give you the reasoning from the old testament) - it is not the content of the questions, just the fact that he
    dares to ask questions - I have already taken the the liberty to inform Muslim authorities on the names and addresses of evangelical missionaries and churches - violating the law in those countries.
    You might caLl me a bastard now - I am only following the great Christian and Muslim tradition of Sippenhaft. Hard luck guys - more martyrs to come.
    Just checked PV Facebook. He has published a video on "Die Wichtigkeit der Erziehung".
    Please forgive me Georg - I am no longer listening to the full extent to religious fundamentalist. They are selfish and evil child molesters

    1. Why should we call anybody a bastard? A bastard is just anchild born to an unmarried woman. So!Are, you?

      It are just religious idiots ho mutated this word to a term of abuse. A bastard can also be a human with qualities and wonderfull qualifications

  3. Georg,
    Only one more comment. Sam Harris has published a video on the number of children physically punished by evangelicals in the US.
    Evangelicals in the US, in Europe and your country distribute books which promote the physical punishment of children.
    All ok - Jugendamt says.
    I despise these laws and the supporters of those fanatics. I have never been beaten by my mother of my father. I have never beaten any of my children (5 adopted, 1 my own). But I can assure you one point: all of them are more human and possess more moral and humanist traits than the children I know coming out of fundamentalist religious families or the fundamentalist shitheads preaching to those defenseless children.
    And that - is proof of evolution and that Gods and their laws are only man made. How long did Moses guide his people through the dessert before he got the first version of the 10 commandments before breaking them and getting another version? How long was this illiterate mate up the mountain? 30 days - no wonder he was confused and the 1st version did not match the 2nd version.
    Besides, no reports in the Bible that on the 40 years long march there was murder, robbery, rape, adultery, theft, ...... Wow - all that without the 10 commandments. Another proof for evolution and God's man made laws.

  4. Georg - have you noticed how close Islam and Christianity are watching the 12 Staemme Video? And rest assured the same shite is spread by evangelicals.
    What to do? Nothing - because all of these violent religions are not to be scrutinized as any other ideology is. You might hurt their religious feelings and they cannot stand or allow for it. It is sacred - a direct instruction our imaginary friend up there in heaven.
    North Korea is a better place to live - once I am dead I am out of the shite. For religions - the shite only begins when I am dead.
    Anyway, since I am going to hell one day - I will enjoy it. Who - in a saint mind - will believe the religious indoctrination and stupidity that Satan will punish me. I am one of his mates - no fire or brimstones - fun and
    laughter for the heathen and kuffar mates of Satan. God is a freaking liar.

    1. Should I remember you on Matthiew? If everybody would look in the own eyes at first, we wouldn't have wars anymore.

  5. @Ulf Ernst18. Mai 2015 um 05:21
    Ulf, there is no need to convince us of the insanity of christian or whatever religion. We already despise religious crackpots. You are just preaching to the choir.

    Nonetheless, my 5 cent to your repeated objections:

    - You always write: "look at your christians", "what about your evangelicals", "your christian religion" ect. I guess you are getting something wrong: These guys are not our peer group. I think they are not even readers of this blog. Neither we consider christianity as "our" religion.

    - Your comments about crazy stuff in the Bible: Off topic. This blog is about Salafi-crackpots. Beside that: We already know that religions are stupid and full of inhumanity. Again, you are preaching to the choir.

    - Your polemic against the Jugendamt: I am pretty sure, that the Jugendamt doesn´t say OK to the promotion of beating children.

    - The fact there are shitty faith based schools in Germany does not make this country to a theocracy like islamic states. Although the separation of church and state is not like it ought to be.

    - The topic about the parents who fight about religious / non-religious education: I guess your objection is misleading. The religious parent forces the child to go to the faith based school, not the state or the courts. I don´t know much about your case, but it sounds you are divorced and the mother is the religious parent? And furthermore, I suppose the mother has the custody of your son? If so, the courts decide on custody laws, not on religious or anti-religious arguments. That´s not their business. If you had received the custody, I am pretty sure, the courts would have decide in your favour.

    1. @ Siegfried
      I take your points but still have problems to disagree.
      All religions in my point of view are insane in a way that I consider fundamentalist interpretation as insane. I do not mind religious people at all - but I do not conceive their attempts to go after the weakest a decent way.
      Sure fundamentalists are not your peer group. But still - to exclude fundamentalists of any other religion is too simple. the issue I try to highlight is that you find fundamentalists in any religion and their similarities are striking.
      Sorry mate, I did not say that Jugendamt promotes the beating of children. However, books are freely available in Germany that promote violent punishment of children. And to ignore that is in my point of view again a mistake of the Jugendamt. I fully understand that as long as nothing happens it is ok. But if something happens they will refuse any responsibility.
      Well I consider faith based schools a menance because they only teach one point of view. And with all due respect. I have attended a faith based school but we had Protestants, Catholics, Muslims and Buddhists. Not just one kind of religious interpretations, which in my point of view that is theocratic Indoctrination with the goal of ridiculing other religions.
      Well of course the state/courts do not force them but they leave the second parent out of the decision.
      I am fully aware, that it is difficult to address all details in a blog like that. And yes I am the parent who had custody until he opposed religious indoctrination.

    2. There are still some animistic religions whre the belief sometimes takes his strenght out of kannibalism.
      They just love nature.

    3. @ Ulf
      If it is really the case, that you lost custody only because of opposing religious education, it would be in deed a shame and a scandal. But I only know your point of view, and to be honest, I don´t care and I am not keen to hear the religious mother´s point of view or the conclusions of the lawyers. Not because I don´t feel sorry for you ad your son, but because it is a very personal topic and I can´t help anyway. Maybe it is a good story for a newspaper or anti-religious lobby groups like the Giordano Bruno Stiftung.

    4. @ Siegfried
      Thank you for your answer. I really appreciate it.
      GBS is not what I will go for. The details are with me and my son, should he ever consider to get back in touch with me.
      Yes you are right there is always another side to the story - only
      question how valid that part of the story is. I have always
      maintained to be honest - even if it is not to my advantage
      and that is what I will prove to my son based on facts. Whether
      he will ever have the chance to discuss it with me is another question. But he will receive my booklet if he ever gets in touch
      again with my current wife.
      As for religious fundamentalist and their approach I could write a
      book - actually I should do that incl. all names, addresses,
      current and former jobs. That seems fair to me - they will have the chance to respond.
      I give you one example. Frank Liesen - former leader of
      Gateway International Church Berlin, a subsidiary of Christian Associates International, later leader of Young Life in Berlin and now somewhere else I am too lazy to look up right now in my
      files proudly declared in an interview his greatest success with
      Gateway International to be the conversion of a 6 year old boy from atheism to Christianity.
      Maybe interesting as well - a missionary of this Church and
      World Harvest Mission named Carol Hall started evangelizing my son before - when he was only three years old. She was studying German for a period of 5 years on a language school
      in Berlin. 5 years = her missionary service in Germany. Only a fool would think what I think.
      To be fair - both happened with the agreement of the boy's
      mother who at that time had already become a reborn Christian under the watchful eyes of Frank and Carol. Well - I did not know.
      Well Frankie and Carol never contacted me - but that is not
      important. They go stealth the moment they know they face resistance, visited my home only during my working hours but that is all ok for courts and Jugendamt.
      How sick can you be to start converting a 3 year old boy and
      later praise yourself for finishing to convert him when he is 6
      years old.
      I am not angry about these two individuals or my former wife. I
      am disgusted about the behaviour of all three of them and I am
      disgusted about the German authorities and courts who allow
      such blatant violation of the constitutional rights of my son. But what do I say. Cutting the penis is ok as well and cutting the clitoris is now performed in the back alleys or in another country by some dubious witches.
      I am not surprised that German politicians do not have the balls to stand up against cruel mutilation of children's bodies. So why should I be bothered about stealth fighters of all religions. All ok - at least they learn that they can break man made laws but their invisible friend will always punish them which might still convince them to obey the man made laws.
      Ever wondered how radicalization works. Well - if I would not have a good non religious upbringing I might have started
      bombing, killing and maiming already. But I still prefer the
      keyboard because that is what brings them down - even lower than they are today stuck on the level of primates.

  6. Axel Stoll war Strahlenschutzbeauftragter in der DDR.Wahrscheinlich hat er da etwas zuviel von abbekommen...

  7. ""There was islam haters but we all muslim was the coolest""

    Da will ich dem Mann doch mal die Chance geben besonders cool zu sein.
    Man hilft ja gerne.
    "Die Stellenanzeige auf dem Jobportal der saudi-arabischen Regierung kommt nüchtern daher. Das Sozialministerium sucht acht neue Mitarbeiter, besondere Qualifikationen oder Berufserfahrung sind nicht vonnöten. Das künftige Gehalt wird nicht verraten.

    Erst auf den zweiten Blick offenbart sich, worum es geht: Gesucht werden Männer, die "die Todesstrafe vollstrecken und die Strafe für Diebstahl". Die Bewerber sollen also verurteilte Straftäter je nach Urteil entweder enthaupten oder ihnen Gliedmaßen amputieren. "

    Gute Reise,coole Sau.

  8. Wo wir gerade beim Thema sind, von wegen Kindererziehung durch religiöse Extremisten, hier predigt unser salafistischer Starprediger persönlich:

    Wieso übernimmt eigentlich nicht bei ihm das Jugendamt die Kindererziehung?

    1. Auch wenn ich wenig Sympathien für Pierre Vogel habe, ist es hier doch angebracht, ihm Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen:
      Seine Ansichten über Kindererziehung sind mit denen der 12-Stämme, wo wirklich nur schwarze Pädagogik festzustellen ist, nicht vergleichbar.

  9. Der Irrsinn geht weiter ....

    1. problem solved!

      Abu ner Diedecke

    2. REUTERS nannten diese Terroristen letzte Woche noch "Rebellen".
      Also wie James Dean.

      Und die können ja auch jederzeit zurückkommen, die Türkei unterstützt ihre IS-Partnerschaft ja mit Quasi-Reisefreiheit und in der Bundesrepublik gibt es Re-Integrationsprogramme, mit Berufsbegleitung usw.

    3. "REUTERS nannten diese Terroristen letzte Woche noch "Rebellen"."

      Das ist leicht aufzuklären: es handelt sich nicht um IS, sondern um verschiedene andere aufständische Gruppen.
      Zum Beispiel diejenigen, die gestern einen Militärsstützpunkt in Nordwestsyrien eingenommen haben.

    4. "Selbstmordanschlag eines Deutschen"
      Alfred Hackensberger erinnert sich an einen fragilen jungen Mann.
      Hat sich -leider- am Salafimus orientiert und sich dann auch noch in die Hände des IS begeben ...
      Hätte es verhindert werden können?
      Mein Beileid allen Hinterbliebenen ....
